I've not blogged much if any about this, but I am a certified yoga teacher. I practice the physical aspects of yoga a few times a week these days, but I practice the non physical aspects of yoga daily. Actually, it's probably the reason I'm still in one piece after the last five years. Anyway, I'm very conscious of what I put in my body. I avoid high sugar based energy drinks and don't drink coffee. I tend to start the day with a Naked juice, which suits me just fine. But by mid afternoon I find I need a little something-something. Water is the norm, but is boring. Today I tried a sample of a new, natural drink made by "Phix".
The guy that created Phix was the same guy that created the wrap, so there's cred there. What's more is I met the guy when he was at venture firm Maveron a few years ago. I remember Will Weisman being cerebral and earnest, which for some reason makes me feel even more interested in getting my Phix. I ran into Will at the TED conference a couple months back and had a chance to reconnect and get my first Phix. (By the way, I am bummed that after attending TED two years in a row now, they aren't allowing me to attend next year's. I got a note saying they are overwhelmed by the large number of people and others have higher credentials. I guess being an entrepreneur, being in two bands, a yoga teacher, a youth coach, a parent, and even a blogger covering TED isn't what it used to be).
Try a 3 pack and get your fix.
Technorati Tags: phix, TED, yoga, will weisman