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May 07, 2008



It's funny, there was some speculation about Jajah and Jangl becoming "more than partners" back when you signed the infrastructure deal with them. Kind of happened in a way, I guess :)

Best of luck to you, Ben, and the rest of the (former) Jangl team. I know it's gotta be hard, but that's the business world.

Alexnader Muse

Congrats guys!

William Volk


This is William Volk, the CEO of MyNuMo. You need to contact me immediately. You have my contact information.

Thank you.



Thanks for the recognition. Regardless of how it turned out, I am glad to have worked with everyone at Jangl - especially the list above.

[email protected]

Timothy Johnson

I'm with James. It was an honor and privilege, and a great ride. You and Ben should be commended.

Let's do Patron shots this weekend, seeing as May 5 was kind of busy. :)

[email protected]


You guys did a great job. I always thought you guys would steer the company to the next level. Iam still surprised what happened to all those deals and partnership you guys built. I don’t know if this is an indication of Voice 2.0 bubble breaking.

All that said hats off to you guys. I know its hard times.Iam sure jajah must be happy to have you guys on board.
Just wrote an artilce about jangl- check out if u get a chance http://latestgeeknews.blogspot.com/2008/05/is-voice-20-bubble-breaking.html



Michael, Congrats. You got off the fence and made something. And you took the time to share the ups and downs of the ride through your blog. Thanks and very best of fortune.

Aaron Burcell

Thanks for the nod, MC. "The Franchise" will come together again after some time... until then, we'll have new taco joints to explore in Mountain View.


Hey Michael, congratulations to you an your team!
Great to know that I can now meet two friends all at one in the same place ;-)


Ah, VC's got you too. That sucks!!

Somebody needs to file legal action for breaching fiduciary responsibility. Here's a hint. The defendants should be the VC's on the board of directors.

John Furrier

Good luck guys. As entrepreneurs I tip my hat to you for going for it. I can only say that years of hard work must have been a big sacrafice. Most people don't understand how hard it is to build something from nothing and having a deal (venture) blow up in the 11th hour must have been trying. Good luck in your new roles. Dust off and jump back on the horse.

John Furrier

Good luck guys. As entrepreneurs I tip my hat to you for going for it. I can only say that years of hard work must have been a big sacrafice. Most people don't understand how hard it is to build something from nothing and having a deal (venture) blow up in the 11th hour must have been trying. Good luck in your new roles. Dust off and jump back on the horse.


Glad to see 2 great companies combining their assets.

Ted Malone

Congratulations to you and Ben. I'm sure you'll go on to do great things with the J-Clone!

All my best,


Justin Siegel

Mike let me know how we can work together in the future.

Justin Siegel

Dave Theriault

Hello Michael,

I was just there a few weeks ago talking with Sue, and we were talking about growth - it's crazy how fast things change. If anyone from the leaving Jangle team wants assistance transitioning then drop me a line!


Just learned today about the throw-down between Jangl and SnapVine with Whitepages.com as the well-heeled referee. I'm happy the Jajah trapeze net was there for you, but sad for me: I tried SV and JJ, but Jangl was my tool of choice -- I just wrote you guys up in my blog AND in my monthly email newsletter I send out to 2000 people. Too little, too late, but you've got nothing but love from me, hombres.

So now that you're all Jajah-men, will there be some logical segue plan for us Janglr's? Is there a special fire exit I'm supposed to be using?

Michael Cerda

@ Phoneboy: thanks for the support the past few years, you're a gentleman and a great tech blogger. You've always had sensibilities and insights other hadn't.

@ A Muse: thanks much. Don't mess with Texas.

@ W Volk: you know who to contact.

@ James: thanks for your help - listen to your wife!:)

@ Timmy: I already thanked you. We'll work together again I'm sure.

@ Omfut: Perhaps a bubble is leaking some, and some companies are dying due to lack of traction. Jangl wasn't one of those though. Jangl's situation was circumstantial, and shouldn't weigh too heavily in the analysis of voice 2. Always like to read your stuff bro.

@ Ivan: thank you, good luck with dialdo.

@ Aaron: boat drinks.

@ Luca: you're a consummate guy, glad we'll keep in touch.

@ John: you know it brother. I'm dusted off and have risen for a new day. Podtech rules.

@ Detlef: we work together at last I guess. See you at the next bad conference;)

@ Justin: will keep in touch.

@ Dave T: hopefully you didn't think Sue was snowing you. The reality is, when you were there things were really growing and we were planning on the next growth phase. Things really did change by circumstance, very late in the game. Unfortunately, the buyer knew they were sucking us dry. Bad karma points for them.

@ Neon Java: you are an empress for sure, keeping that Jangl phone widget up and all. Felt good to see your comment. Stuff ought to continue to work actually, since Live Universe owns Jangl now.

Lucas Lain

Michael ... do you have an email where i can contact you?

Best regards,


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